Wed, Jun 07, 23.

Salvation After the First Resurrection

Notes from Deuteronomy 32

Salvation is to be saved from the wrath of God, and it requires righteousness [Deu 32].

  1. Israel was taught the way of God so that they could be saved.
  2. Others will perish because they have not walked in God’s way.
  3. Our doctrines are not only for men, but also for the powers in the heavens [Deu 32:1].
  4. He fears the taunt of the enemy, and did not want them to think they were the ones who scattered Israel. God is concerned for the interpretation of His works. He does not want people misunderstanding His works [Deu 32:27].
  5. God declares the end of the nations

Things that show there will be Salvation After the First Resurrection

  1. The Church is the first fruits [Jas 1:18; Rom 11:16]. If there are first fruits, then there must be other fruits. If the Church will be saved as a first fruit, then other will also be saved as other fruits after the Church
  2. Others will hope after the Church [Eph 1:12]. The Church is the first to hope in Christ and not the “only” ones to hope in Christ. Others after the Church will also hope in Christ for salvation.
    1. The Church is made up of Jews, Gentiles, and men before the nations, and not just Christians
  3. Israel is to be saved after the first resurrection [Isa 45:17].
    1. Paul states that salvation is first for the Jew, and then for the Gentiles [Rom 1].
      • The above cannot refer to the Church because Jew and Gentile will be saved together in Christ.
    2. Pauls states that Israel will be saved after the First Resurrection [Rom 11:25-26].
      • The salvation of Israel is based on the ‘deliverer’ turning away godlessness from Jacob (i.e., He will make them righteous).
      • Since the deliverer through righteousness will save Israel, then the salvation is through the Gospel of Christ
      • Israel will be brought into the New Covenant.
        • The New Covenant is actually for Israel, the Gentiles were given the blessing of being joined to it [Heb 8:8]
  4. Israel will be saved
  5. Since Israel is the first fruits [Rom 11:16], their salvation has to come before the other.
  6. This is what Paul means by salvation being first for the Jews, then the Gentiles [Rom 11:16].
  7. Creation is to be brought into the glorious freedom of God’s sons [Rom 8:19-21]
  8. The death of Jesus is not for the Church alone but for the whole world.